Just a reminder for anyone who wants to sign up for my 3 day workshop in Naples, Florida. It's January 19-21, 2011. Click here for their website.
I know I'm looking forward to some 75 degree weather and beautiful beaches. We just had 18 inches of snow so this thought is really nice. I'm going to fly down and my husband wants to drive!?? He figures we'll go to Key West afterwards and take a leisurely ride home. He says I can fly from where ever if I get restless. I think I'd rather stay in Florida but ah well, such is married life. He's always so good about supporting me when I give a workshop.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Having an Intention
I do like having an intention before painting. It may be using three colors instead of my usual 15 or it may be trying to get the cast shadow and core shadow in one brushstroke as this study was. That was what I forgot a few days ago. But then it got me painting so that's good. Once I finished I forgot my intention. Maybe I'll write it down on back of the board before I start painting.
Onion" watercolor on board wc 1041
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Garlic with Pencil and Limited Palette or "I can't remem ber why"

I can't remember why I did another one. I can't remember if I liked the first one and thought I needed to try something else. I do remember thinking now I should put it in a group; I never do just one thing in the center, what kind of composition is that? I also forgot to mention that both these were done with only three colors; new gamboge from Daniel Smith, cobalt blue (Winsor Newton) and quinacrodone red (Winsor Newton). I wanted to say that I liked working with only three colors cause I put them out fresh and they stayed wet! I live/paint in very well heated NYC apartment and everything evaporates so quickly. I think I may work this way for awhile and see if I get enough colors to keep me happy. I think the trick may be to work with more greys. I know artists need to expand and keep trying new techniques, concepts but at this point in my life I'm wondering if I'm just not adding brain weariness. My painting mornings are fraught with too many decisions even before I get near my drafting table: do I want to paint with oils or watercolors? what do I feel inspired to paint? which support do I use? which palette? do I need to go to fruit/flower stand for new subject? and it's such a short day (maybe cause I seem to be getting up later and later)!!! And what was I so excited about yesterday? There was something I wanted to try. I do write this stuff down sometimes cause I know I'll forget but how can I forget something I was so excited about less than 24 hours ago?
Thanks for listening to my rant. Just want to add that this isn't something new. It's been happening to me since I've been painting full time. Just felt like (and remembered to write it here!)
I don't know how well you can see it but I added some pencil at the end to define the left hand side of the garlic to try and make it look less than an onion. I figured if you can start with pencil and then paint you can end with pencil also.
Cool Allium" watercolor on board, 4x3 inches
mini watercolor 0923 video,
small works
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Forgot by now what my original inspiration was for doing garlic (probably saw one during a blog hunt) so I went to local veggie store and spent many minutes pouring over their garlic; touching practically every one in the bin (good thing I finally got over my cold) while my friend patiently waited for me. Then I saw some juicy colored shallots and went through those. When I got home I saw an already half used piece in our bowl and ended up using it for the painting. Guess we've all been through this kinda thing. Hopefully I'll get to the shallot bbefore it turns color!
"Garlic" watercolor on board, 4x3 inches
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
In Treatment

Also, I was reading Snow White to my granddaughter so that's how I got the title
"Snow Whites and Lemon Slice" 4x3 inches, watercolor on board
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Blog Award: Resource for graphic artists

I received an email from a graphic artists website saying I would be included as a resource for people considering a career in the graphic arts. I've posted their link (it's the badge on the right) so that you and I can look at other watercolorists for inspiration and learning.
Here is the link to see other watercolor blogs.
Also, I did another version of the previous post. I thought the rock formation on the lower left was too large and was hoping to get the background trees darker.
wc1035 Landscape 1035, 3x4 inches, watercolor on board
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