Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
John Carlson influence
I think you'll probably see more posts like this in the near future!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Cezanne influence

I was at The Guggenheim last week and saw a Cezanne. On the card next to the painting it mentioned that he used white cloths on his tabletops a lot. Well, if he can do it so often so can I. It's funny how we have to feel vindicated somehow before we feel free enough to do it ourselves. I find these little bits of freedoms from museum visiting more valuable than looking at the art.
"Strawberries and Blue Bowl" 3x4 inches watercolor.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Yellow/Purple palette with new Raw Umber

Yellow/Purple Palette:
WN Chinese White, Schmincke Blue Black
Yellows: WN Naples Yelllow, Old Holland Cinnabar Green Extra Light, WN Cadmium Lemon, WN Aureolin, , WN Cadmium Yellow, Schmincke Translucent Orange, Rowney Georgian Raw Umber
Purples: Old Holland Violet Grey, WN Permanent Rose, WN Permanent Magenta, WN Winsor Violet, WN Ultramarine Violet, Permanent Alizarin Crimson, Prussian Blue is optional
Saturday, March 7, 2009
New Watercolor Color: Daler-Rowney Artists' Raw Umber

I went to Pearl Paint recently and looked at many different tubes of Raw Umber by many different manufacturers and saw that Daler-Rowney Artists' Raw Umber is the greenest one. I was so happy. It was like Christmas. I'm sure you've had that feeling. The Raw Umber I had been using was Winsor Newton and it was way too red for my liking.
My reds are along the left side going down and my greens are on the top going across. The raw unber is the sixth one from the left on top row. It goes down. I mix it with each of the reds. I highly recommend this exercise. And then you can save the chart as a handy reference for mixing color!
I use raw umber in the yellow/purple palette also. I will most likely post that next.
Red/Green Palette:
WN Chinese White, Schmincke Blue Black
Greens: Old Holland Cinnabar Green Light Extra, WN Sap Green, WN Hooker’s Green, WN Prussian Blue, WN Viridian, WN Winsor Green (Blue Shade), Daler-Rowney Artists' Raw Umber
Reds: Scmincke Translucent Orange, WN Cadmium Orange, WN Quinacidrone Red, WN Cadmium Red, WN Permanent Rose, WN Alizarin Crimson, Holbein Light Red
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