Monday, August 29, 2011

More Layers?

I'm thinking of putting more layers on both of these. Hmmmm.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Alissa Craig Onion

I was upstate house sitting for my son and got to go to Kingston's farmer's market and spotted this gorgeous specimen of an onion. The vendor was happy to tell me the name and must have been perplexed at the amount of time I took to pick one onion from the batch!
"Alissa Craig Onion", watercolor on board, 3x4 inches.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Vidalia Onion

Vidalia Onion, watercolor on board, 4x3 inches

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Garlic and Garlic

Wanted to use Chinese White again. Found out it's not a shortcut; still have to put lots of color in the painting and then use it as an overwash. Can't believe how many layers it takes to do one of these!
"Garlic Angle" and "Layered Garlic" 3x4 inches, watercolor on board

Friday, August 12, 2011

Red Onion

Does anyone know what the hairy part of an onion is called? This one had a lot of hair.
"Red Onion" watercolor on board, 3x4 inches

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I saw the Richard Serra drawings at the Met yesterday; what a genius he is! He made drawings feel like sculpture. Check it out on their website. There was also very simple ones of upright lines. So yep, I thought, if he can do lines I can do onions.
"Upright Onion" watercolor on board, 4x3 inches

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Watermelon Slice

Watermelon Slice, watercolor on board, 3x4 inches

Friday, August 5, 2011

onion studies

Doing studies of single objects is new for me. I've been doing small paintings since '97 and they've all had about five objects in them which makes each object quite small. So using only one object in the same format makes them quite a bit larger. Also, I felt I was doing a "whole painting" by incorporating a multitude of objects with pathways for the eye to move around. Someone in my art group said, "Oh, lots of artists have simplified their subjects as they've gotten older"! I know she was trying to support me but ohh, I'm getting old? :(
Onion Study, 3x4 inches, watercolor on board